Identify conflict maps
Here we identify problems and conflicts for mappings, keeping an eye on methods that will save us tons of time.
Capozzo occlusions.
As we start capozzo we find that from inside, and outside near the cardealer, everything starts flickering, or disappears.
This problem is caused by having 2 ymaps with occlusion positioning in the same [maps] folder. This means that everytime the server find that file, it overrides the other one he found before into another folder. So it ends in having the incorrect ymap loaded for Capozzo.
What we do is identify the ymaps, this way we know what resource is having the same file.
into the mappe folder you'll find all the ymaps. We search for occ_ymaps
Once i identify that, i copy the name and start a search into the [maps] folder to locate the other ymaps with the same name.
In this case, there is just one ch1_occl_01.ymap. This is the result you wanna obtain.
So you follow the path of all the other resources that shares this file, and erase the ymap from there.
Insidde the Atelier ticket just write the resource conflicting and wait for the new, packed file to be released into the ticket for you.
Overwrite the new ch1_occl_01.ymap into your Capozzo folder and restart the server.
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