Bank Pack MLO
Wiki for enabling and disabling interiors, erase conflicts and duplicated files.
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Wiki for enabling and disabling interiors, erase conflicts and duplicated files.
Last updated
The Bank pack MLO is shipped with more than one location. This means that a lot of conflicts with actual mappings can happen. For this reason, GTAV base files are distributed in .zip format as you need to erase/modify them.
Files are in the "download" section of this package in your Tebex area.
Editing interior files is not allowed due to fxap protection. But the resource is organized in folders, containing all the characteristic files for every location. You can simply erase the folder of the location you want to disable, and it will not spawn anymore.
You are not allowed to change certain proprietary textures, but you can open a ticket in discord for free retexturing after the purchase.
Nope, as this is intended as a "in expansion" pack, it will collide with the armony of the future planned maps. Once the release arrives to an end, you are free to have re-brandings/modifications on the interiors.
Let's say you want to pop out mirror park's fleeca from the package.
Download the last update package from keymaster;
Extract it as usual;
In the stream folder you'll find a similar folder tree
Files are divided this way:
bank-interiors: the actual interiors for the banks;
mirror_park: files for collisions, occlusions, position and exterior modified version of mirror park mall;
perro_beach: as mirror_park, all files for perro beach bank;
vespucci_mall: similar, in vespucci mall.
Simply erase the folder you want teh map to disappear and it will follow.
Inside the folder you'll find occlusion ymaps (usually occ(something).ymaps ) and the exteriors ymap that i modified to fit the bank.
useful for:
props appearing/disappearing on the outside of other MLO's or this one too;
Interiors disappearing and/or flickering;
Missing interior props;
Strange light behavior inside the MLO;
Not showing any world outside the MLO;
Also collisions are divided by folders, indicating what mlo you are editing. Useful to fix collision-related problems on other MLO's and this one too (Having more that one collision file for the same project will make work just the last interior loaded by the server. All the other doors will result in invisible walls. So you can erase this files and open the door on the unique collision file you wanna keep.
Erase the building collision from bank folder;
Search for that file in near MLO's folder;
Open it and modify it to suit the new hole for the bank entrance;
Save, export and overwrite the original collision file.
Done, now you have a unique .ybn driving all the mappings around.